How to Effectively Overcome Fear of Driving a Car

Do You Have Fear of Driving?

Fear of Driving might make you feel you’re in terrible danger while you’re driving or riding as a passenger in a car. If fear is so extreme that you can’t drive at all then you need to take decisive action to resolve this issue.
How to Effectively Overcome Fear of Driving a Car

If fear of driving behind the wheel is controlling you and preventing you from driving, it’s important to face the phobia driving. This way, you can get back behind the wheel and take control of your life.

Fear of Driving Causes

The most common way people develop an intense fear of driving is as the result of an accident while driving or riding in a car. This stress is often specific in nature. It might be related to highway driving only. Or you may get a panic attack when driving in the same neighborhood or one similar to the accident site.

Some people can sit in a parked car comfortably and only experience fear when the car is in motion. Some people feel unease just approaching a car.

Fear Caused by Imagination

There is another less common issue when people develop an intense fear of driving without any actual traumatic event. The imaginary scenarios they run through their minds are so vivid and terrifying that they may cause panic attacks while driving or prevent them from attempting to drive at all. The problem is no less serious because it is “only in their head.”

Driving can be a dangerous activity. It’s good to be extra vigilant behind the wheel, always on the lookout for pedestrians, negligent drivers or unexpected road hazards. The problem is when the possible dangers you imagine go far beyond reality. In this article on Psychology Today, Dr. Frederick Neuman states

It is usually the case that a person who has a driving phobia also has other phobias. The basic fear in an agoraphobia, which is the most common phobia and is the condition from which most of the others derive, is of having a panic attack in one of a number of particular settings, including a car. Any place from which a phobic person feels he/she cannot immediately leave is a candidate to become one of those places.
He goes on to describe the fear of driving as related to a larger fear of being in a situation you can’t control. And when you fall into a pattern of avoiding that type situation it can develop into a phobia over time.

The steps you must take to resolve your fear depends on how intensely you feel it.

For example, if you are still physically able to drive, no matter how distressful it might be, you may respond to some simple do it yourself (DIY) techniques.

Relaxation Technology

At home, you can watch a self-hypnosis program, it's called Driving Fear Program.

While driving you can listen to a relaxing music or a brain entrainment file or another jokes from the radio.
It promotes a wakeful relaxation as opposed to feelings of drowsiness.

Maintaining Proper Focus

Know and be on the lookout for the signs that your stress level is increasing. If you notice yourself gripping the wheel a little too tightly, make a conscious effort to center yourself. Check this article for some simple meditation techniques.

The Original Driving Fear Program Brings Out the Big Guns

If your fear is so strong that you are completely unable to drive you may need professional help. Before engaging in expensive and time-consuming therapy sessions, I’d like to suggest this program.

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Driving Fear Program Video
The Original Driving Fear Program was developed by Doctors of Clinical Psychology and other experts to help you overcome your fear of driving. It gives you how to effectively overcome fear of driving.When you click for more information you can sign up for a free seminar.
There is also a 60 day no questions asked money back guarantee if you feel it’s not working for you.

If you look at your life and see there are some other patterns of fear and avoidance of vulnerability, you may want to go on and check out this program instead.

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Auto Calm Program Download

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