Fear of Heights While Driving

Gephyrophobia (pronounced as Jeff-ee-ro-pho-bia) is a common specific phobias that affect many individuals. People with these phobias fear of crossing a bridge or a tunnel: driving through the bridge or even viewed from a distance or view the photos/films that involve bridges can trigger anxiety attack on the sufferer.
fear of heights while driving

Often phobias realize that his fear is unwarranted and irrational; But he's not at all get over it. Fear of a bridge or tunnel may affect one's personal and professional life in that regard; People may resist driving or traveling or likely to make career decisions that revolves around his fears. The driver was able to jump over or dangerous brakes at the sight of the bridge, thus endangering one's life and also beyond. The fear of phobias bridge can be very debilitating.

The cause of the fear of phobias bridge

Most Gephyrophobics fear on the bridge slammed into a large body of water. Their fears, as all other phobias, perhaps rooted in the past. Negative or traumatic experience involving a bridge may have trigger it.

The fear is also related to the fear of heights or Acrophobia. Most of the bridge crossing the Valley big or a body of water as high as possible. In addition, some small or limited probably bridge leading to claustrophobia or fear of small confined spaces. Accidents or deaths were witnessed by phobia on the bridge can lead to onset of response is similar fear over and over. Anxiety is a way to protect the individual from a situation that ' considered harmful '.

Many people fear that bridge could collapse or the driver could lose control of the vehicle and crashed into the depths below. Such fears are valid and normal in most people; But in the case of Gypyrophobic this can cause severe anxiety symptoms.

Scenes of the movie or the news reports of the crash which happened on the bridge can also cause this phobia primarily on people who are already suffering from other anxiety disorders. Adrenal deficiency sometimes plays a role in triggering this. phobias

Gephyrophobia Symptoms

Anxiety and panic attacks are common symptoms of phobia fear of bridges.

Shortness of breath while driving through the bridge.
Phobias can shut his eyes, or having a fast heart rate and your palms are sweating.
Numbness of the tip of the hair until ends of legs, sensation of tingling, shaking, shaking or feeling of nausea are some of the other symptoms of Gephyrophobia.
Feelings and thoughts will be death, hit, experiencing negative or rude pictures or stills in mind are some of the psychological symptoms of phobias.
Many individuals try to avoid Gephyrophobic Bridge: see pictures, driving over them, etc. They may use reason, lying or avoiding the situation to avoid the bridge.

Treating and overcoming the fear of phobias bridge

Breathing exercises and meditation are two powerful self-help techniques recommended by the phobias that have successfully overcome their Gephyrophobia. When arriving at the bridge, you should try to regulate breathing and count slowly from 1-10 to reduce your anxiety.

Gradual desensitization is one of the best methods to overcome Gephyrophobia. Start by driving over a smaller bridge or just view the movies or pictures that involve bridges. Try breathing deeply while doing so. This could help prepare you to cross the bridge larger gradually.

Rationalize the negative thoughts by writing down positive thoughts are self help techniques to reduce anxiety associated with Gephyrophobia. Friends and loved ones can also help during the process. They can drop you a smaller bridge passes so you can conquer fear and crossed a large bridge alone without experiencing anxiety and panic.

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